Aftermath: Designing a Service for a Person Who Has Died by Suicide

This video offers some ideas for designing a funeral or memorial service for someone who has died by suicide. It also includes a list of do’s and don’ts for reducing the chance of suicide contagion.

A memorial service, no matter how the person died, should be a time for healing and remembrance. It is not a time for judging.

Big Buck Bunny
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Designing a Service for a Person Who Has Died by Suicide

  • Video 5: Designing a Service for a Person Who Has Died by Suicide
    Video 5: Designing a Service for a Person Who Has Died by Suicide
  • Video 1: Warning Signs and Risk Factors for Suicide
    Video 1: Warning Signs and Risk Factors for Suicide
  • Video 2: How to Tell if a Person is Considering Suicide
    Video 2: How to Tell if a Person is Considering Suicide
  • Video 3: Responding to a Suicidal Person
    Video 3: Responding to a Suicidal Person
  • Video 4: Responding to Family Members After a Suicide
    Video 4: Responding to Family Members After a Suicide

Making Referrals

Be sure to see the videos in the Caring Clergy Project “Making Referrals” Video Series to learn how to tell if your congregants need to be referred to a mental health professional, how to find appropriate mental health professionals for your congregants and how to make a good referral.